ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-40 is a very high performance lubricant based on ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-40 is suitable for all Gasoline and Diesel engines. Suitable for all routes (city, road, motorway) and especially for use in severe conditions. For all driving styles, especially sporty and high-speed, and for every season.
Zelo visoko učinkovito motorno olje Elf, zasnovano na sintetični tehnologiji, zasnovano za mazanje vseh dizelskih ali bencinskih avtomobilskih motorjev. Priporočljivo za vse dizelske ali bencinske motorje s tlačnim polnjenjem ali naravnim vsesavanjem, ki se uporabljajo v avtomobilih in lahkih tovornih vozilih. Primerno za vse vrste obratovanja, zlasti v zelo zahtevnih razmerah. Za vse vrste vožnje, zlasti z veliko hitrostjo.
100% Elf sintetično motorno olje namenjeno za mazanje motorjev osebnih vozil, tako bencinskih kot dizelskih. Še posebej primerno za novejše motorje. Ustreza najtežjim voznim razmeram (mestna vožnja,lokalne ceste, avtoceste) in je primerno za vse načine vožnje.
ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-40 is 100% synthetic and very high performance lubricant based on ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-40 is suitable for all Gasoline and Diesel engines, especially for the most recent ones. It satisfies the most difficult operating conditions (city, road, motorway). It is appropriate for all driving styles, in particular sporty or intense driving, and for every season.
Visokozmogljivo sintetično motorno olje za bencinske in dizelske avtomobilske motorje, zlasti za vozila Volkswagen. Za nove dizelske motorje VW z neposrednim vbrizgom, opremljene z enotami tlačilke in šobe.
Very high performance Elf synthetic technology motor oil intended for lubricating all Gasoline and Diesel car engines. Recommended for all recent engines (with or without catalytic converter) supercharged or not, in cars and light vans. Suitable for all journeys, and particularly in severe conditions, in all driving styles, vigorous and high speeds.
Zelo visoko učinkovito motorno olje Elf, zasnovano na sintetični tehnologiji, namenjeno bencinskim in dizelskim avtomobilskim motorjem. Priporočljivo za vse bencinske motorje (z ali brez katalitskega pretvornika) in vse dizelske motorje (z ali brez turbopihala) v avtomobilih in lahkih tovornih vozilih, ki niso opremljeni s filtrom dizelskih delcev. Primerno za vse vrste potovanj, zlasti v zahtevnih razmerah. Za vse vozne sloge, zlasti tiste dinamične in z velikimi hitrostmi.
ELF SPORTI 9 5W-40 is a ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology lubricant intended for lubricating passenger cars with Gasoline and Diesel engines. ELF SPORTI 9 5W-40 is suitable for all gasoline and diesel engines, particularly for most recent ones. Suitable for all journeys (in town, on highways and motorways) and particularly in severe conditions. It is for all driving styles, particularly vigorous and high speeds. Meets the needs of engines manufacturers regarding extended oil change intervals.