Večnamenska mazalna mast za izjemno visoke tlake, namenjena uporabi pod obremenitvijo v prisotnosti udarcev in tresljajev.
MULTI je večnamenska mast za splošne potrebe mazanja pri normalnih obratovalnih pogojih in obremenitvah, zasnovana za univerzalno uporabo v transportu, kmetijstvu in pri terenski opremi ter za obratovanje v mokrih, prašnih in/ali suhih pogojih.
Semi synthetic lithium complex grease designed for the lubrication various applications in all types of operating conditions, but particularly where the operation temperature is high and the use of conventional lithium greases is limited. True multi purpose grease, formulated for lubrication of loaded slide-,ball-, and roller-bearings, wheelbearings, universal joints, chassis, and various shock loaded or vibrating applications in transport, agriculture and off road vehicles. Suitable as general purpose grease for industrial applications requiring a NLGI 2 grade Extreme Pressure grease, resistant to elevated temperatures.
Low temperature lithium grease for general lubrication.
Special lime grease for automotive transmissions. RENAULT n° XT 7710 approved.